Essential english grammar pdf download
Essential english grammar pdf download

The validity and discrimination index of the test items are analyzed using the Pearson product-moment test. Item difficulty is obtained from the percentage comparison of the number of respondents who answer correctly with the total number of respondents. The analysis of test items includes (1) item difficulty, (2) discrimination index, (3) validity, and (4) reliability of the tests. Abstract This study focuses on evaluating the quality of multiple-choice tests to measure critical thinking skills and procedural knowledge tests of English grammar for beginners in higher education. Dengan demikian butir tes yang dirancang tidak membutuhkan perbaikan dan dapat digunakan untuk mengukur keterampilan berpikir kritis dan pengetahuan prosedural pada grammar Bahasa Inggris. Uji reliabilitas menyatakan bahwa tes yang dirancang reliabel.

essential english grammar pdf download

Uji validitas membuktikan seluruh butir tes valid. Hasil uji daya pembeda mengklasifikasikan butir tes pada kategori baik dan unggul. Hasil uji tingkat kesukaran menempatkan butir tes pada kategori mudah, sedang dan sukar. Kemudian, uji Cronbach alpha digunakan untuk menentukan reliabilitas tes. Untuk mengukur validitas dan daya pembeda soal digunakan uji Pearson product moment. Untuk mengukur tingkat kesukaran digunakan rumus perbandingan jumlah responden yang menjawab benar dengan jumlah responden. tingkat daya pembeda butir tes, (3) validitas butir tes dan (4) reliabilitas tes. Analisis butir tes mencakup: (1) tingkat kesukaran butir tes, (2). Keywords keterampilan berpikir kritis pengetahuan prosedural analisis butir google form bahasa Inggris Abstrak Penetian ini berfokus pada analisis butir tes pilihan ganda untuk mengukur tes keterampilan berpikir kritis dan pengetahuan prosedural materi grammar untuk tingkat pemula (beginner) pada mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris. Some directions are also provided for teaching the English article system to Persian speaking learners. Despite the high proportion of article errors, data from Persian learners supported the predictions of the Fluctuation Hypothesis because the majority of errors were omitting the articles in obligatory contexts and not misusing the articles. Their performance also revealed sensitivity to NP function as the learners were more successful in supplying the article for object nouns. Based on this study, it was only at the highly advanced level that learners showed mastery of the indefinite article but still remained non-native-like in their use of the definite article. Using data elicited through a grammaticality judgment test and a translation test from forty-three learners at three levels of grammatical knowledge, it was shown that such learners had persistent difficulty in acquiring both definite and indefinite articles in English.

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The present study attempted to explore the acquisition of the English article system by Persian speakers.

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